Friday, July 23, 2010

#DFeast Friday on Twitter

ST. LOUIS, MO - ExtendSnacks is excited to provide a couple of tasty recipes to the online community as part of "#DFeast Friday" on Twitter. "#DFeast Friday" began as an idea for people to share recipes that are diabetes friendly.

A lot of people are participating in sharing their recipes. To view the recipes you can either search #DFeast on Twitter or go to Elizabeth Arnold's Blog where there is a list of #Dfeast Recipes!

We're sharing 2 recipes which offer creative ways to use ExtendSnacks! These can help you cool off during a hot summer and help keep your blood sugar in control.

Extend Instant Pudding:

Pumpkin Pie Shake:

To keep up with all the latest action, be sure to follow @ExtendSnacks on Twitter. Or go to to get started!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for contributing to the DFeast!